Wind of the Spirit Outreach Ministries

Our Vision

Vision for our Church

It is our vision for the present and future members of our assembly to understand the authority and responsibility that has been afforded them, to take heed to the Word of the Lord, to follow its direction and listen to the voice of the Holy Ghost.  To stay in the presence of the Almighty so that they will not be led away and to take up the full armor of God so as to withstand the attacks of the enemy.  Understand that we are a people after the Heart of our Father in Heaven and predestined to be the Sons of the Living God, praises to His name!  For we will live, breathe and have our being in Him always walking in His Spirit.


Vision for our County

It is our vision for all the residents of Dixie County to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and follow in His ways; To seek out the things of our Father in Heaven and walk upright in the ways of the Lord: To cast down false gods and any other hindrance in their lives that may stand between them and our Father; To give to others that are in need so that their needs will be met according to His riches in Heaven; to come together not as a people of many beliefs in Christ but as a people of One God, His people that are called by His name and anointed as such; To be a light to the surrounding counties and communities, leading the way in the fight against the powers, principalities and spiritual wickedness that has plagued the people of our county; No more will we sit idly by and watch, we will take hold to the righteousness that is only in Him and stand as a united front, grafted to each other as one people, a chosen people, God’s people, Hallelujah!   


Vision for our state

It is our vision for the all the residents of Florida, to acknowledge our place as the 27th State in the Union.  The meaning of that number in Hebrew is the “Preaching of the Gospel”, blessed be His name!  To stand as a people, residents of the state of Florida holding close to our hearts this Flowered Land and knowing that the people here will trust forever and always in God for this is our Motto, “In God We Trust!  God is so good!  It is our vision that the people of Florida fuse as one and become the State in which the Son truly shines!


Vision for our Country

Mighty and Great is the Lord of Hosts!  It is our vision for the Country of the United States, to stand and profess that Jesus Christ is King of all the Heavens and all the earth!  To adhere only to the laws of God our Father; to seek Him for guidance prior to any decision being made for our people; for the rulers and law makers of this land, to profess their love for God our Father and pray for His mercy, and grace to forgive us of our wrongs, and declare our right to serve Yahweh in spirit and in truth!  To clothe our naked, to feed our poor, and heal our sick as the Lord tells us to;  to take care of our own first and then branch out to the world;  for the United States of America to once again be known as the land of the Free;  a place of rest, purification and holiness unto God our father, a people that stands for freedom in and through Jesus Christ our King.  Blessed be His Holy Name!!